Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Sitting up all by herself

Elli loves Playtime

Takes after Mommy and loves Diet Coke

Big "Chucks" - Baby "Chucks"

Hmmm.... Not sure about this face

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009

We have survived another Christmas season. Elli has more miles on her and is trying to settle back into a routine again.
She has traveled to Nashville, Indiana to spend Christmas with her Grandpa and her cousins. Daddy took her swimming in the pool and she is another little fish!! My girls all love the water and Elli is no exception. She got home and got ready for her first visit from Santa Claus. The older girls woke her up Christmas morning at 7:00 AM and Elli had no idea why but she was happy to help unwrap a ton of gifts. Then she traveled to Grandma Nita's house to have Christmas and then off to her Great Grandmas house to open yet more gifts. We then made the journey to Illinois and opened a ton more gifts. Elli is becoming quite the pro at opening gifts. I think when it was all said and done she ended up with a lot of wrapping paper in her mouth, a lot of cool clothes and toys and I could have sworn I heard her say "I'm ready, bring on my Birthday"!!!
Ali and Ashli made out with a lot of new clothes, gift cards and of course the always enjoyed CASH!! Ashli also got her last doll. Her Great Grandma Swalley always made Ashlis doll clothes for her to play with. Ashli was always playing with baby dolls, dressing them up and doing all kinds of things to their hair. My Grandma wanted to be the one to buy Ashli her last doll. I guess this means Ash really is growing up!!
Ali received a Snuggie and couldn't be happier about it. It truly was her favorite present and she insists she is going to wear it to the movie theater!!
We all hope that you had a Merry Christmas. We had a very busy and memorable Christmas.
Ash got a new Bears hat


Friday, December 25, 2009

30 days of joy + thanks - Day 23-30

With the holiday season, I have been neglecting my blog and sometimes it is even hard to remember to be thankful. But today (Christmas Day) here it goes...
Day 23 - 30 and every single day for the rest of my life, I am thankful for this....

My husband with his girls. It makes my heart melt how much he loves them.

My grandparents with some of the great grandkids. They do so much for us and I love them.
My happy and healthy girls that I love dearly.
Happy Baby Smiles. Can't get enough of them!
Merry Christmas
Bryan, Misti, Ali, Ashli and Elli

Saturday, December 19, 2009

30 days of joy + thanks - Day 22

Day 22 - Today I am thankful for slumber parties for the older girls and this:

Drinking wine, wrapping presents and hanging out with hubby and baby!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

30 days of joy + thanks - Day 18-21

I am behind in posting so lets cheat and I will just lump a bunch of thankfuls together in one post.
Day 18 - I am thankful for Ali's best friend Katelyn who has been driving Ali around for the past week while her car has been worked on!! Thanks Katelyn.

Day 19 - I am thankful that Ali's car is fixed and she can drive herself around again. Oh yeah and I think I can't wait until Ashli can drive herself around too. :)

We tell Ashli this is going to be her car when she turns 16!!

Day 20 - I am thankful for a fenced in backyard!! Our dog can now go run outside and play and get his exercise and we no longer have to worry about him running away and Bryan won't have to chase him 400 miles. :) We also live on a farm and we won't have to worry about Murray killing anymore chickens!!! Poor little things are scared to death if they see Murray coming. Here is a view out my window of the chickens and here is our fierce dog. Meet Murray!!

Day 21 - I am thankful for being on vacation after tonight. Yeah...Yeah...I only work part time but that is 3 nights a week that I am away from my family for 4 I am thankful to have this extra time to spend with them.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Elli has something to tell everyone today!!

Hey.....I have an announcement to make!!!

I am 5 months old today!!!

Mama loves taking my picture!!

I can't wait until I can sit up and play by myself. I am getting very close!!

Yeah...this is what being a little stinker is all about!!!

And....this photo shoot has exhausted me!!!
I am out of here.....
Have a nice day.
Love, Elli

30 days of joy + thanks - Day 17

Day 17 - Wow, I am behind in posting. The weekend was way busy and I didn't get much of a chance to post on the computer.
We had a quiet evening at home after a sleepless Thursday night and a quick trip to the pediatrician and dealing with Elli's first cold. Needless to say we were all exhausted and maybe a little more than stressed on Friday.
Saturday we had a birthday party for some family and friends. We sure missed our "Robinson" family that day. We had a lunch for 25 people and it was a wonderful time. Ali really enjoys having get togethers with family and friends so it was the perfect birthday celebration for her. An added bonus was the birthday $$ and she headed out to the mall to spend it after her lunch.
Sunday we had a very nice holiday open house at Jennifer and Matt's. We watched the Colts win yet again (Yeah!!!) and the baby got held all day and passed around. Just what she loves.

So for Day 17 - I am thankful for health and that we are all feeling better!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

30 days of joy + thanks - Day 16

Day 16 - Today I am thankful that Ali and I both survived the past 18 years. I thought for sure one of us would end up killing one or the other!! :)

Having an 18 year old and a 5 month old got me thinking this morning....when they are babies it sure seems like you can't wait for them to try the next new thing or reach the next new milestone, but then they start growing up it makes you want to stop the clock.
Since Ali is my oldest I think I probably made all of the parenting mistakes with her that a parent could possibly make however we both came out of it ok. Made my day when she called me Mommy this morning. That is just what I needed. is a great day for Ali. She turns 18 and is a legal adult but for her Mom that just means a lot of new things for me to worry about. But hearing her call me Mommy this morning means I still have my little girl.
Happy Birthday Al Bug... I love you!!!! Try to stay out of "grown-up" jail. :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

30 days of joy + thanks - Day 15

Day 15 - Today I am thankful that I am happy. I truly am lucky and blessed.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

30 days of joy + thanks - Day 14

Day 14 - Today I am thankful for good hot coffee and a warm house. It is snowing and windy and the temperatures are quickly dropping.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

30 days of joy + thanks - Day 13

Day 13 - I am thankful to have a wonderful husband. He is everything and more that I could ever ask for in life. He is a wonderful father to all 3 girls. I’m grateful for a husband who takes care of our house, our dog, and our baby girl while I’m away…all without complaining or letting on how hard it is. Even though we all know it is hard to take care of ASHLI!! Haha!! :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

30 days of joy + thanks - Day 12

Day 12 - Today I am thankful that someone is going to be fighting Daddy for the remote control in this house!! Wonder who will win the battle of the remote? My bets are on Elli!! :)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

30 days of joy + thanks - Day 11

Day 11 - I am thankful for Christmas and Santa!!!

My nephews with Santa

My girls with Santa

All of the Grandkids with Santa

Elli's first Santa picture!

30 days of joy + thanks - Day 10

Day 10:
I am joyful for this:

Elli loves to shop. She was picking out all of the toys from the catalog that she wants for Christmas! :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

30 days of joy + thanks - Day 9

Day 9 - Today I am thankful that Ali is still at least looking for a job. I will be REALLLLLY thankful when she actually gets one, but I will take small blessings and at least she is trying.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

30 days of joy + thanks - Day 8

Day 8 - Today I am joyful for Ashli's silly, goofy personality. She has grown up so much and she makes us laugh even when we are tired or especially grumpy. Even when she is the one grumpy, she is still funny!!!
She was mad at me this morning because I would not get up and put her hair in pigtail braids for school, but Elli didn't go to bed until 1:00 AM and I was tired. Tonight, she has gotten over it and isn't mad at me anymore.

Monday, November 30, 2009

30 days of joy + thanks - Day 7

I am posting Day 7 a day late because it was a difficult day. I tried to get on the computer and write out why I was thankful or joyful and for some reason I was having a rough day.
It was one of those days where things just were not going right. I posted about being happy that our house was all decorated for Christmas only to find out yesterday that we have one full strand of lights out on the house. We have only had these on one evening to enjoy. So...that is how the bad day started. Elli was fussy most of the day and we were all tired and grumpy. Then to top it all off Murray got outside and ran off. It was dark and raining and Bryan spent about a half an hour looking for him. We were all very stressed and worried. Thankfully, he finally found him.
So this morning I was cleaning the house and thinking that I still had not posted anything for yesterday and it occurred to me that even though we all had a bad day yesterday, we still have a lot to be thankful for!!! So....
Day 7 - I am thankful for pictures and moments in life that make me smile when I don't really feel like smiling!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

30 days of joy + thanks - Day 6

Day 6 - Today I am thankful for a nice warm, cozy house. It might not be very big, but it is cozy and we have a great yard. Not to many kids can grow up with horses, chickens in the backyard and a Llama that has a sense of humor as well as be able to ride a golf cart around the backyard.
I am thankful for our home and for our Christmas decorations. I love decorating for the holidays before we leave town for Thanksgiving so that all we have to do is turn on the lights when we get home. I can't wait for it to get dark tonight so the tree and the house lights are all lit up.
I love this time of year!!

30 days of joy + thanks - Day 5

Day 5 - Today I am thankful for my inlaws. They put up with our 3 kids and our crazy dog when we come to town to visit.
They always end up with a house full of chaos, whining and usually one kid mad at another kid, but they take it all in stride. I know they must be exhausted when we leave and probably really glad we are gone and they can get back to a quiet life, but we have great times when we come to visit. Thanks for everything!!
Grandma, Grandpa and all the grandkids.
Cade and Elli
Cousins and Best Friends!!