Sunday, July 18, 2010

Mini Family Vacation

I love taking small weekend vacations especially with extended family. This past weekend we continued what is becoming a tradition. It was our third annual trip to:

We took some pictures in the park:
Elli was fascinated by the fountains

Had some drinks and some fun

Took in a baseball game.
Heading to the game
Before the game
Ashli and Sydney before the game
Ashli at the game

Tony Dungy was the guest speaker.

Elli showing off her Cardinals t-shirt. She stayed back in the nice cool hotel room with Grandma but she still needed a Cardinals shirt to wear for the day.

The girls went to see Lady Gaga. She also stayed in the same hotel that we stayed in.

Met Michael Waltrip

Good Night!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

One Year

One year ago I was so ready to meet our precious baby. We waited in the hospital for hours and hours along with friends and family. For a long nine months we waited and we talked about what our baby girl would look like. Would she have more hair than Daddy? Would she have eyes like her sisters? Would she be too big to fit in all of her newborn outfits? She had a beautiful nursery, a closet full of adorable girl outfits and a family ready to welcome her and love her.
Every day with Elli is such a gift. I think this baby was born to laugh and smile and make those around her laugh and smile. Not a day goes by that she does not make me smile. She has changed so much over the past year. Now at 12 months she is walking and really turning into quite the little monkey. Everyone reminds me that her Uncle Chad was quite the skilled climber and that is how Elli is too. She climbs on everything but her favorite climbing toys are Mommy and Daddy. She giggles and laughs if we get down on the floor and play "horsey" with her.

She loves the water and bathtime.
She loves to read books.
She loves to play peek a boo. Patty Cake and waves bye bye.
She loves to cuddle and still takes a bottle. The older girls were broke of the bottle at 12 months. I don't think this little one is going to be broke for a while. She is pretty attached. She still won't hold the bottle or the cup herself. She will bring it to someone to give her. She loves to be snuggled when she takes her bottle or her cup.
She does not say a lot but she has a lot to say. She babbles all the time and it sure sounds like she has something very important to tell us. Right now though she just says Da Da and on occasion Ma Ma. Mostly everyone and everything is DaDa.
Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Girl. Welcome to toddlerhood!!! I can't wait to see what the next year brings.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

On her way to ONE

Just a few short days until Elizabeth will be the big ONE.

Look how much she has grown over the past 12 months.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Elli First Birthday Party

We celebrated Elli's first birthday this weekend with family and friends. It was a beautiful day for a party. I still can't believe in less than a week she will be a one year old. It just does not seem possible. She is looking more and more like a toddler and less like a baby every day. It seems like yesterday that we all just sat around and held her and watched her sleep and coo. Now she entertains us with all of the silly things she does.
Here is Elli in all her party dress glory.

And...the cake.

All cleaned up and ready to open all the loot. That pink chair was a huge hit. She loves to stand in it backwards.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Growing Up

So all of my beautiful daughters are growing up on me way too fast. Elli will be one in 2 weeks. How did that happen?
Ali is starting to work overnight shifts at work and is trying to work her way up in a job that she loves.
How did that happen? Well I know the answer to that question. The money motivates her. :)
And then Ashli. She is on the go all of the time and just loves life and loves laughing. She laughs more than anyone I know. And a boyfriend. Yep...her boyfriend Brooks and her are so cute.

Isn't she beautiful?

Ash and Syd.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Holiday Weekend Fun

Had some fun with friends to end the long holiday weekend. What a fun time.

Ali hamming it up for the camera. :)

Who knows what was so funny?!

Naked Baby!!!

Happy 4th of July

We had such a fun weekend with friends and family. The weather was just gorgeous all weekend. Great food, great fireworks, great weather, great drinks = a tired worn out family. :)
Here is Elli in her parade glory complete with pinwheels.
And ready to go to Grandpa's house for lots of fun.