Wednesday, July 14, 2010

One Year

One year ago I was so ready to meet our precious baby. We waited in the hospital for hours and hours along with friends and family. For a long nine months we waited and we talked about what our baby girl would look like. Would she have more hair than Daddy? Would she have eyes like her sisters? Would she be too big to fit in all of her newborn outfits? She had a beautiful nursery, a closet full of adorable girl outfits and a family ready to welcome her and love her.
Every day with Elli is such a gift. I think this baby was born to laugh and smile and make those around her laugh and smile. Not a day goes by that she does not make me smile. She has changed so much over the past year. Now at 12 months she is walking and really turning into quite the little monkey. Everyone reminds me that her Uncle Chad was quite the skilled climber and that is how Elli is too. She climbs on everything but her favorite climbing toys are Mommy and Daddy. She giggles and laughs if we get down on the floor and play "horsey" with her.

She loves the water and bathtime.
She loves to read books.
She loves to play peek a boo. Patty Cake and waves bye bye.
She loves to cuddle and still takes a bottle. The older girls were broke of the bottle at 12 months. I don't think this little one is going to be broke for a while. She is pretty attached. She still won't hold the bottle or the cup herself. She will bring it to someone to give her. She loves to be snuggled when she takes her bottle or her cup.
She does not say a lot but she has a lot to say. She babbles all the time and it sure sounds like she has something very important to tell us. Right now though she just says Da Da and on occasion Ma Ma. Mostly everyone and everything is DaDa.
Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Girl. Welcome to toddlerhood!!! I can't wait to see what the next year brings.

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