Saturday night we spent the evening relaxing at home together and Ashli played with Elli. She read her a stack of books and Elli loved it. Ashli says she could spend every Saturday night playing with her. I will remind her of that in a few years.
Storytime was over so they snuggled.
Storytime was over so they snuggled.
Sunday it was time to take Bryan to the airport to leave for Houston. Elli really wanted to go with Daddy!!
There was a beautiful welcoming party at the airport when we arrived. We knew something was going on because there were a ton of people holding signs, balloons and cameras. We kind of thought maybe it was a soldier returning from Iraq. There were a couple of news cameras there and we sat down to eat lunch. About 5 minutes later the news cameras were shouting that "they were here" "here they come" and everyone gathered around. In walks a beautiful couple carrying a baby that they adopted from Haiti. The little boy looked so scared and so tiny. It was a beautiful moment and you can tell the little boy was going to be very happy with his new life.
Us girls drove home from the airport and had an adventure. I got lost!! Yes....I have lived in this city for 36 years and I managed to miss my exit and ended up in downtown Indianapolis and not a very safe part of downtown Indy either. Ashli and I had quite the adventure trying to find a street that we were familiar with and find a way home!! 45 minutes later, we made it home. WOW.
Oh yeah, in other news. ALI GOT A JOB!!!!! WHOOO HOOOOOO!!!!! She got the job at Sycamore and Bryan and I are so proud of her. We hope it is everything she dreamed it would be and we wish her the best of the luck!!
Way to go Ali!!