Bring on the New Years Resolutions for 2011. I prefer to think of them as goals instead of resolutions. It makes me feel more accountable.
For me personally I think it might be time to join the workforce again. I have very mixed feelings about putting Elli in daycare but I know in the end we will make the right decision for our family. I have enjoyed being able to stay home with her and I am blessed to have been able to do so for as long as I have. So for right now I am just in the process of finding the right job fit for me and for our family and I just have to hope that the rest falls into place.
I also have to get back into going to the gym again. The stress of the holidays along with a member of the family being sick almost every single day in December caused me to miss out on my gym time and I miss it.
My only other goal for 2011 is to be happy and content. I have a beautiful, happy and healthy family and I know that I am truly blessed.
I also have to get back into going to the gym again. The stress of the holidays along with a member of the family being sick almost every single day in December caused me to miss out on my gym time and I miss it.
My only other goal for 2011 is to be happy and content. I have a beautiful, happy and healthy family and I know that I am truly blessed.
A little glimpse of how much our lives have changed since 2008.
Christmas 2008