Sunday, November 15, 2009

I'm 4 months old (By Elli)

Getting so big

And SO happy!!

I've really started getting a big personality this month!
New things this month:
I have lots of things to say and I am startin to talk a lot.
I am starting to grab at some of my toys. My favorite is still "Tebby" my bear blanket.
Everything goes straight into my mouth.
I can roll from my back to my tummy and my tummy to my back. I am getting very mobile.
I have started outgrowing some of my 3 month clothes.
I love to try and sit up by myself and I am very happy Mamma and Daddy got me a bumbo seat to help me.
I still sleep through the night and I am starting to have an earlier bedtime.
Mommy and Daddy can't believe how grown up I am starting to look and how much I change every day. Everyone keeps saying I look like my Daddy!

I really love playing with my sisters too. They take very good care of me and even my sissy's friends love to play with me too. Mommy says that might change when I get a little older.

I really enjoy eating my cereal too. I can't wait to try some new foods soon.



1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love the hat!! What a beautiful girl!! Can't wait to see her again!
